Homemade Candles
Please allow some time to create your candle
Medium - $15
Medium - $15
Large - $25
Large - $25
Order Candle
Thank you!
Photos on Matt Board
Photos on Matt Board
Canvas and Framed
Canvas and Framed
Tryptic - Avalon at night
Tryptic - Avalon at night
Prices and Order Requests
Please fill out the item number, size and style choices.
Matted 8x10..................................$15
Matted 5x7.....................................$10

Matboard 16x20...........................$40
Rolled Photo Paper 16x20..........$20

Canvas Panoramic.......................$60
Canvas Large.................................$50
Canvas Small.................................$30

Tryptic - Large..............................$90
Tryptic - Small..............................$60
Diamond - 5 canvas.....................$200

Framed Canvas - Large................$70
Framed Canvas - Small................$50
Framed Canvas - Pano.................$80

Framed Tryptic - Large................$125 
Framed Tryptic - Small................$90

Thank you!
Free Las Vegas delivery on orders over $50.           Orders can be picked up at any show I have a booth at.
Local delivery - Under 10 miles $5, Over 10 miles $10
Shipping rates - please contact for a quote
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